Halfway into a year is normally considered a good time to take a step back and assess the six months just past.

Now instead of churning out a desperately boring list documenting “Albums of 2012” that reads like 90% of other music blogs, I’ve decided to put together a few compilations, featuring my favourite free downloads of the year thus far.

Now, you’ll notice that for the vast majority the inclusions are relatively obscure, even by blogging standards (blogscure if you must), this is partially to deviate from the buzz band mundane and also in an attempt to raise the profile of the featured artists, whom I believe are all wildly talented. If you’re an avid follower of CitR, you’ll notice that all have appeared on the blog before, many making their online debut, however for those more casual readers, I implore you to take a chance. So without further ado, I present to you the first in a three part series of compilations: Everything You Can Imagine Is Real.

For more information on the artists, follow the links below:

Avec Sans

Mood Indigo


Death to Dreaming

Noble Oak

Sweet Valley Slumber Party






NB: All tracks featured are available for free download elsewhere, however if you are the owner of any of the music and would like to be removed from the compilation, then please do not hesitate to get in touch and I’ll happily remove the offending track.